Tuesday, August 23, 2005

redefining 'relationship' for the Alpha and Omega

Tonight I redefined 'relationship' in regard to my Creator. I've heard books and people speak of a close and personal relationship with God, and I've been disappointed, because I don't feel that close to God. My primary complaint I realized, is that God doesn't talk aloud to me. Here Isees the error of my thinking in that God is not like a human being. He is the I Am. He is the Alpha and Omega. Talking aloud is not the only way that a relationship is supported. A personal relationship involves love.

Love is patient. God is patient with me. He does not give me more than I can handle.
Love is kind. God is kind to me. He has given me a relatively easy life and far more blessings than I deserve.
Love is not self seeking. God seeks to work out everything for the good of those who love Him. He unselfishly sacrificed His son to save me.
Love rejoices with the truth. God rejoices when I do the right thing.
Love does not boast. Jesus came to earth in humility.
Love keeps no record of wrongs. God puts my sin far from Him. He is the only person who loves me unconditionally.
Love never fails. God will never fail me. No matter what happens, He is in control.

A relationship with God is unlike any other. "For my ways are not your ways." A relationship with God is not an equal to equal relationship. It is a father to daughter relationship. God makes sacrifices for me. His son died for me. God seeks good things for me. He has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams. God has written an entire book just for my benefit so that I will know how to live. God has prepared for my future. I will live in heaven for eternity.

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